His reading was great, and at the question/answer period Jonathan asked who his favorite Simpons character was. He replied, "So many evil characters feel the need to temper their evil with a little good; I love this character because he doesn't do that." He then launched into a few words as Mr. Burns, raising a round of laughter and applause from the audience.
The highlight of the evening for me was his book signing. When we got to the table, he complimented River on being so good during the reading. I told him while River was in utero we watched Spinal Tap and he danced the whole time. He laughed, then signed the book, "To River, All the best! And grow up!"
I'm really glad you guys came with me. Yes, you remember his quote more accurately than I do, as I was still trembling from asking. I really enjoyed myself. Started reading the book last night.
This is SO awesome!
What a great little moment in the grand life of River Doyle - and his uber-cool parents.
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