There are few of you who have been reading this blog from the start (mom, you rock). Those of you who have know that my blogging adventures began in March this year over at friendster, and you will perhaps remember a post all the way back in May that told the tale of a nerve-wracking audition for a television pilot.
After a few days of nail-biting I found out I got the role and eagerly awaited filming sometime in the summer. Scheduling conflicts abounded as well as location difficulties. And we waited. And we waited. And fall came and went and we waited some more.
Well, friends, last Saturday morning I arrived at South Station with lines memorized, costumes in hand, and hope in my heart, and—miracle of miracles—after eight long months of anticipation we finally filmed The Six Fifty-Seven!
The MBTA set aside a commuter rail train for us to use and we loaded in with lights, cameras, and extras. It was a marathon of a day—shooting 24 minutes of script in less than eight hours is an extraordinary feat (I’ve spent 8 hours on 5 minutes of script and still felt rushed) but we did our best.
The technical stuff (lighting, camera angles, continuity) is out of my hands so I don’t worry about it. As for the acting, I couldn’t feel better. The ensemble we started with was very strong, and that chemistry only got better over these past months. I had a fantastic time working with my fellow actors, laughing at our many flubs, finding new moments in the text, and finally finally completing the job we’d set out to do.
I’m really grateful for the experience. I had a blast playing all day and I want to thank our fantastic director, Dan, and extraordinary writers, Andy and Toni, for all their hard work. They’ve kept the faith all these months and worked so hard to make this project come to life.
I hope we’ve done something they can be proud of—I know I am.
Senior Presentation
20 hours ago
I'm so happy you finally were able to film your pilot! I wish I could have been there watching from the sidelines all day long. That would have been just fantastic. Congratulations to everyone but especially to my Summer.
I am so very, very proud of what we have accomplished so far. I honestly believe that the best is yet to come. I don't believe that you've seen the last of "Liz".
I was wondering what was up with this project... congratulations! Sounds like loads of fun. Its awesome it finally came together. (...that is some fast shooting, I might add! nicely done!)
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