Let's just get this out in the open: I've been a crap blogger this week. There, I've said it. Can I let go of the guilt now? (I think I take way too much personal responsibility and feel way too much guilt in general. I'd say I was working on it, but that would be a lie, and I'd feel guilty for telling it.)
--A relevant anecdote from today: Thom and I were under-charged for a case of wine at Trader Joe's. When I discovered the mistake in the parking lot (charged for one bottle, not 12), I seriously considered thanking my lucky, cash-deficient stars and driving that puppy straight home...Like any normal human being would do, right? But no. I consider how guilty I'm going to feel whenever I open one of those pilfered bottles of wine--wondering who would have to pay for my greed. The sweet cashier girl? The manager of the store? The folks who pick the grapes? So, back we go into the store to correct the mistake.--
All of this is just to say I know I've owed you a Vegas update, and I feel genuinely bad for not writing before today.
The reason I haven't written sooner is because this has been a big-old, crappy, icky, stupidly-useless joke of a week. I came back from Vegas and I was tired, jet-lagged, and recovering from a few days of drinking and not sleeping. So instead of getting my affairs in order, you know, unpacking, checking email, following through on acting leads and such, I decided to avoid all that and redecorate my office.
It took two trips to Home Depot and three days of work, but the color of the walls is fantastic, and I love my new furniture arrangement. So that rocks. Yet still I have these looming piles of scripts I should read, mail I should respond to, and laundry I should do--funny how a fresh coat of paint didn't make all of that go away.
I'm hoping for a fresh start tomorrow--some time to go through all those backed-up emails and piles of paper. And once that's done, this weight of impending doom will hopefully lift from my shoulders and I'll be in a much better condition to recap what was truly a fantastic weekend.
For now I'm just trying to survive this insane bout of neurotic self-loathing
When did I turn into Woody Allen?